Editor's review
Merops is the solution for the management of your stock portfolios. You can track all your stocks in one place. Automatic updates of the quotes and indicators will provide you an accurate picture of your investments at any given time.
Pros: Merops helps manage stock portfolios. All you stocks can be monitored at one place. You get a spreadsheet like display that shows the stocks at a glance. There’s an automated stock quote feed service that can help evaluate your portfolio valuation at any time. Do remember though that these quotes are typically delayed a bit, usually about 15 minutes after the event. Stock quotes from New York, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam stock exchanges (partial and delayed) are made available to users who subscribe to the feeds. Along with quotes for stocks indices are also displayed. Should you need to look at historical data, 5 years of historical data from these exchanges are available. Securities to watch, orders awaiting execution, index comparison are other aids that help decide buy/sell decisions.
While watching stocks one can watch over more than 100 items of data such as sell price, break even point, stop loss, objective etc presented as 100 odd fields in the spreadsheet presentation. Similarly 20 odd technical analysis data also can be monitored such as Bollinger, RSI, MACD et al. Multi-portfolios / Families of portfolios can be monitored and estimated valuations by period can be looked at. Events journal records complete details of events over a period. Graphics to highlight security, valuation, currency, market, sector, profits, loss etc could be set up to make quick evaluations. Automatic tasks and reminders could be set. Reminders can be set up via e-mails too. Monitoring in multiple currencies can be handled by the application.
Cons: Besides domain knowledge to understand the implications of all the data, one needs time to get familiar with all the controls and derive optimum benefits out of the program.
Overall this is quite a good application at 4 stars rating.
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